How to Read People's Body Language

Do you want to know how to read people's body language? You already have an idea what they're going to do. You can tell just by looking at them. But what if you don't know what to look for?

You probably haven't realized how to read people's body language in a while. It can be a bit confusing, even for those of us who are experts at it. The only way to get over that is to take a deep breath and start reading!

Reading other people's body language is about being able to decipher their basic emotions. We all have different expressions and reactions to situations. Some of us get nervous or excited, others are stoic. Some are submissive, and some are dominant. Others are very relaxed and casual.

Learning how to read body language is all about understanding these patterns. We know they're upset when they're squished, but we also know they want to show that they're happy when someone poses with them for a photo. The key is understanding that expression behind the eyes. That's where the true emotion is. We just need to be able to see it.

How to read this emotion is through observing them. When you're with them, focus on how they're breathing. Is there any tension in their body language? Are they tensed up or are they calm and relaxed? Watch for the tension in their neck, chest, and shoulders.

Pay attention to their eyes. If they're scanning the room or focused on something, notice how they move their eyes. Do they flick an eye here and there? When someone is tense, their eyes tend to constantly move around.

As you study how to read people's body language, you'll soon come to recognize certain emotions. Take note of how someone closes their fist when they feel threatened. Or how a person puts their hands to their face when they're trying to hide their emotions. By watching for these patterns, you can pick out these traits and figure out exactly what's going on before it happens.

In the end, you want to know more about yourself than just who's right and who's wrong. That's a universal truth. But your body language can give you a glimpse into your own personality.

So how do you know if this person is lying or not? You only have their body language to go off of. Unless you know them well enough to be able to read their nonverbal language, such as their tone of voice, you won't know for sure until they tell you.

However, there are some things you can do to get ahead of the game. One thing you can do to learn how to read people's body language without even saying a word is pay attention to their breathing patterns. We tend to breathe in a certain way when we're nervous. Our breath tends to be shallow and quick. This is known as the 'fight or flight' response, which was first developed for humans to prepare for conflict.

It's natural for us to react in a certain way when we think our safety is threatened. For example, you might naturally put your hands to your throat and hold them tight to feel more secure. When you feel threatened in any way, your body language changes as well. Your breathing becomes faster and deeper, and your heart rate goes up. You may also sweat slightly.

To really understand how body language works, you have to understand the difference between awareness and apprehension. Awareness is what we use when we truly know that something is going on. We may glance away from someone or cross our legs a few times as we speak. With this kind of awareness, we can begin to understand how our body language changes as we become tense or in a situation where we need to be more subtle.

The other type of body language is apprehension, which is basically our reaction to something that we don't know what to make of it. This may be fear, anger, frustration, or other intense emotions. This body language can sometimes look like that of someone who is lying or faking, so you have to watch for this. In order to truly understand how body language works, you have to learn the basics, including how to read a person's body language.